Slaney & Co.

PH: 07 4787 1811

Property & Livestock Agents, Charters Towers

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Savannah Station, Mount Surprise

FREEHOLD backgrounding depot Mount Surprise

Auction 20th October 2020

ID #92022

Land Size

3562 hectares

Property Description

Interested in this listing or have any questions? Please contact using info below:

Henry Slaney

  • T: 07 4787 1811
  • M: 0429 872 985

At 3562 ha Savannah Station is comprised entirely of open red & black basalt soils is lightly timber and is a most appealing style of country. A terrific breeding or fattening proposition.  


  • FREEHOLD title
  • Fertile Soils
  • Abundant underground water
  • Strong pastures
  • Excellent location

Area & Tenure:

Area 3562ha (8798 acres)

Freehold … Lot 1 on SP 315816


 There is no homestead or buildings on the property.


 The main powerline running north to Springfield Station, and beyond, bisects Savannah Station. From this main powerline is a single-phase line running west, and connected to, Ted’s Bore which is located centrally in the property.


A visually appealing, lightly timbered, predominantly red basalt soil property which slopes east-to-west. There is little, to no, waste country on Savannah.

 Savannah Station is triangular in shape with the western-most point having Elizabeth Creek frontage, immediately adjacent the Mt Surprise township. The NW boundary with Mt Surprise Station has the railway line running its length.

 The overall topography of the property is described as flat to undulating basalt country interspersed by basalt ridges. A small hill (Radar Hill) named after the adjacent Communication Tower is located toward the western side of the property. There are no internal creeks on the property.

 The red & black basalt soils are timbered with Box, Ironbark, Bloodwood, Cabbage Gum and dominant native pasture grasses include Black Spear, Forest Blue, Golden Beard, Plum Sorghum and Giant Spear Grass. There is a presence of Grader Grass and Indian Couch on this property but seem not to be detrimental to the cattle grazing performance.

 Improved Pastures:

The property has a Stylo presence throughout the red soil country however, there appears to be no major presence of introduced grass pasture species. The country certainly lends itself to pasture improvement as typically, these basalt soils are higher in phosphorus so potential establishment of Leuceana over much of the more ‘open’, less rocky, land might be a very viable value-adding option.

 The nearby DAAF Redlands Leuceana trial and the success of Rocky Springs leuceana establishment would indicate there may be potential to plant many thousands of acres more on the red soils of Savannah. Refer the Leucaena Network

Further seeding with Seca and Verano Stylos, along with Urachloa, would seem to be an obvious choice to further enhance pasture improvement and animal performance..

 Regulated Veg Management Area:

 There is no Category ‘X’ land with a PMAV in place on Savannah Station.


 The stock water supply is drawn from several bores with polypipe and well-located troughs and tanks. The land typically slopes east to west thus facilitating gravitation water flow from bores to troughs and tanks. The operational bores are all equipped with electric submersible pumps and powered by Solar or Mains power. Though individual bores vary, as a general rule the bores are about 30 metres +/- in depth.


Irrigation License / PMAV:

 There is no irrigation license or cleared country with PMAV on Savannah Station.


 Local records indicate a reliable annual average rainfall of approx 760mm (30 inches).

Cattle Numbers:

 There are no cattle included in this sale.

 Carrying Capacity:

 The vendor estimates that Savannah might be capable of a sustainable carrying capacity of approximately 600 Adults (AE 450kg), or 800 mixed cattle. The property has historically been used as a breeding unit however the soils and pasture also indicate that Savannah would be strong enough, in its present state, to grow young cattle to typical live export weights.

 The inclusion of large scale Leuceana establishment, or stylos, would almost certainly provide upside.


 Savannah has a triangular property shape and is boundaried to the north by the Railway Line (Mt Surprise Station) and Springfield Station, to the east by Byramine Station, and to the south by the Gulf Development Highway (Rocky Springs).

 Savannah is fenced into 4 paddocks. Fencing is stock-proof 3-barb fencing on the Mt Surprise and Springfield boundaries, with a new 4-barb fence on the Byramine boundary and sound 3-barb along the Rocky Springs highway boundary.


 There are no cattle yards on the property.


Disclaimer: The above report has been prepared by Slaney & Co based on information supplied by the property owner and other credible sources. Every endeavour has been made to verify its accuracy. Whilst we trust the information to be correct, we make no warranties or guarantees, and prospective purchasers must rely on their own enquiries & research.           

© Copyright Slaney & Co

At 3562 ha Savannah Station is comprised entirely of open red & black basalt soils is lightly timber and is a most appealing style of country. A terrific breeding or fattening proposition.  


  • FREEHOLD title
  • Fertile Soils
  • Abundant underground water
  • Strong pastures
  • Excellent location

Area & Tenure:

Area 3562ha (8798 acres)

Freehold … Lot 1 on SP 315816


 There is no homestead or buildings on the property.


 The main powerline running north to Springfield Station, and beyond, bisects Savannah Station. From this main powerline is a single-phase line running west, and connected to, Ted’s Bore which is located centrally in the property.


A visually appealing, lightly timbered, predominantly red basalt soil property which slopes east-to-west. There is little, to no, waste country on Savannah.

 Savannah Station is triangular in shape with the western-most point having Elizabeth Creek frontage, immediately adjacent the Mt Surprise township. The NW boundary with Mt Surprise Station has the railway line running its length.

 The overall topography of the property is described as flat to undulating basalt country interspersed by basalt ridges. A small hill (Radar Hill) named after the adjacent Communication Tower is located toward the western side of the property. There are no internal creeks on the property.

 The red & black basalt soils are timbered with Box, Ironbark, Bloodwood, Cabbage Gum and dominant native pasture grasses include Black Spear, Forest Blue, Golden Beard, Plum Sorghum and Giant Spear Grass. There is a presence of Grader Grass and Indian Couch on this property but seem not to be detrimental to the cattle grazing performance.

 Improved Pastures:

The property has a Stylo presence throughout the red soil country however, there appears to be no major presence of introduced grass pasture species. The country certainly lends itself to pasture improvement as typically, these basalt soils are higher in phosphorus so potential establishment of Leuceana over much of the more ‘open’, less rocky, land might be a very viable value-adding option.

 The nearby DAAF Redlands Leuceana trial and the success of Rocky Springs leuceana establishment would indicate there may be potential to plant many thousands of acres more on the red soils of Savannah. Refer the Leucaena Network

Further seeding with Seca and Verano Stylos, along with Urachloa, would seem to be an obvious choice to further enhance pasture improvement and animal performance..

 Regulated Veg Management Area:

 There is no Category ‘X’ land with a PMAV in place on Savannah Station.


 The stock water supply is drawn from several bores with polypipe and well-located troughs and tanks. The land typically slopes east to west thus facilitating gravitation water flow from bores to troughs and tanks. The operational bores are all equipped with electric submersible pumps and powered by Solar or Mains power. Though individual bores vary, as a general rule the bores are about 30 metres +/- in depth.


Irrigation License / PMAV:

 There is no irrigation license or cleared country with PMAV on Savannah Station.


 Local records indicate a reliable annual average rainfall of approx 760mm (30 inches).

Cattle Numbers:

 There are no cattle included in this sale.

 Carrying Capacity:

 The vendor estimates that Savannah might be capable of a sustainable carrying capacity of approximately 600 Adults (AE 450kg), or 800 mixed cattle. The property has historically been used as a breeding unit however the soils and pasture also indicate that Savannah would be strong enough, in its present state, to grow young cattle to typical live export weights.

 The inclusion of large scale Leuceana establishment, or stylos, would almost certainly provide upside.


 Savannah has a triangular property shape and is boundaried to the north by the Railway Line (Mt Surprise Station) and Springfield Station, to the east by Byramine Station, and to the south by the Gulf Development Highway (Rocky Springs).

 Savannah is fenced into 4 paddocks. Fencing is stock-proof 3-barb fencing on the Mt Surprise and Springfield boundaries, with a new 4-barb fence on the Byramine boundary and sound 3-barb along the Rocky Springs highway boundary.


 There are no cattle yards on the property.


Disclaimer: The above report has been prepared by Slaney & Co based on information supplied by the property owner and other credible sources. Every endeavour has been made to verify its accuracy. Whilst we trust the information to be correct, we make no warranties or guarantees, and prospective purchasers must rely on their own enquiries & research.           

© Copyright Slaney & Co

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