Property Description
Interested in this listing or have any questions? Please contact using info below:
Tom Slaney
- T: 07 4787 1811
- M: 0439 462 080
45 Wilson Court, Breddan is located on the north/northeastern side of town turning right off the Gregory Development Road as you head north. It is about 8 mins drive to the town centre of Charters Towers and approximately 8 km away in distance. It is situated in a quiet subdivision surrounded by houses on acreage.
About Charters Towers & It’s Services:
Situated about 8km from Charters Towers the property accesses all the services of a regional town with a population of approximately 10,000 people. Charters Towers experiences a tropical semi-arid climate, with a short-wet season and a long dry season. For most of the year it has cooler nights and lower humidity. The average rainfall is 650 millimetres of rain per year.
Schooling, both primary and secondary, are a feature of the Charters Towers community with the town having three Private Schools, a State High School and three State Primary Schools. Charters Towers is an historic city established in the gold rush of the 1880’s and today still services a large Gold Mining industry as well as the large Grazing Industry of the Charters Towers area. For cattleman, the weekly liveweight selling centre in Charters Towers, Live Export and the Townsville meatworks are all considerations of this location. Just down the road (120km) is the vibrant city of Townsville which has a population of approximately 200,000 people. Townsville has a diverse manufacturing industry, a major hospital, a university and other additional opportunities for employment, business, and higher education.
Area & Tenure:
Area 2.28 Ha (5.63 acres)
Property Type – Vacant land, Freehold
Land Use- Vacant, Large House site.
Zoning – Rural and Rural Activity
Country / Land:
45 Wilson Court is a mixture of soil types, but it mostly consists of red clay and decomposing granite type soil. It has a mixture of grasses such as Buffel grass, Urachloa, couch grass, spear grass and various legumes such as Verano and Townsville silo. It has many native trees on the property, such as Iron bark’s, Blood wood’s, Box Gum’s, Ghost Gum’s & Morton Bay gum trees. There are some weeds present such as Bellyache Bush, Chinee Apple and Neem trees. It is currently not being used for stock, but it would be a handy little paddock for 1 or 2 quiet horses or a few young cattle with the aid of some additional feed supplementation.
The property is fully fenced with three and four barbed wires, steel pickets and steel strainer assemblies. It is Stock proof for cattle and horses. All of the fencing is a good condition, some looking to be fairly new.
Electricity / Water/ Rubbish Collection:
The property has town mains water connected with a meter on the southwestern side of the property and three phase mains electricity running parallel to the southern boundary on the same side of the road. Contact Ergon energy and or a private electrical contractor for estimates on electricity connection fees. There is a weekly rubbish collection on Wilson Court. The successful buyer will need to talk to CTRC council to get a rubbish bin.
Railway Carriage:
Included in the sale will be a steel railway carriage. This could be handy and used as a place to store items for the buyer post sale.
Disclaimer: The above report has been prepared by Slaney & Co based on information supplied by the property owner and other credible sources. Every endeavour has been made to verify its accuracy. Whilst we trust the information to be correct, we make no warranties nor guarantees, and prospective purchasers must rely on their own enquiries & research. © Copyright Slaney & Co
45 Wilson Court, Breddan is located on the north/northeastern side of town turning right off the Gregory Development Road as you head north. It is about 8 mins drive to the town centre of Charters Towers and approximately 8 km away in distance. It is situated in a quiet subdivision surrounded by houses on acreage.
About Charters Towers & It’s Services:
Situated about 8km from Charters Towers the property accesses all the services of a regional town with a population of approximately 10,000 people. Charters Towers experiences a tropical semi-arid climate, with a short-wet season and a long dry season. For most of the year it has cooler nights and lower humidity. The average rainfall is 650 millimetres of rain per year.
Schooling, both primary and secondary, are a feature of the Charters Towers community with the town having three Private Schools, a State High School and three State Primary Schools. Charters Towers is an historic city established in the gold rush of the 1880’s and today still services a large Gold Mining industry as well as the large Grazing Industry of the Charters Towers area. For cattleman, the weekly liveweight selling centre in Charters Towers, Live Export and the Townsville meatworks are all considerations of this location. Just down the road (120km) is the vibrant city of Townsville which has a population of approximately 200,000 people. Townsville has a diverse manufacturing industry, a major hospital, a university and other additional opportunities for employment, business, and higher education.
Area & Tenure:
Area 2.28 Ha (5.63 acres)
Property Type – Vacant land, Freehold
Land Use- Vacant, Large House site.
Zoning – Rural and Rural Activity
Country / Land:
45 Wilson Court is a mixture of soil types, but it mostly consists of red clay and decomposing granite type soil. It has a mixture of grasses such as Buffel grass, Urachloa, couch grass, spear grass and various legumes such as Verano and Townsville silo. It has many native trees on the property, such as Iron bark’s, Blood wood’s, Box Gum’s, Ghost Gum’s & Morton Bay gum trees. There are some weeds present such as Bellyache Bush, Chinee Apple and Neem trees. It is currently not being used for stock, but it would be a handy little paddock for 1 or 2 quiet horses or a few young cattle with the aid of some additional feed supplementation.
The property is fully fenced with three and four barbed wires, steel pickets and steel strainer assemblies. It is Stock proof for cattle and horses. All of the fencing is a good condition, some looking to be fairly new.
Electricity / Water/ Rubbish Collection:
The property has town mains water connected with a meter on the southwestern side of the property and three phase mains electricity running parallel to the southern boundary on the same side of the road. Contact Ergon energy and or a private electrical contractor for estimates on electricity connection fees. There is a weekly rubbish collection on Wilson Court. The successful buyer will need to talk to CTRC council to get a rubbish bin.
Railway Carriage:
Included in the sale will be a steel railway carriage. This could be handy and used as a place to store items for the buyer post sale.
Disclaimer: The above report has been prepared by Slaney & Co based on information supplied by the property owner and other credible sources. Every endeavour has been made to verify its accuracy. Whilst we trust the information to be correct, we make no warranties nor guarantees, and prospective purchasers must rely on their own enquiries & research. © Copyright Slaney & Co